星梦邮轮 635次阅读 2019/11/15

香港 / 广州,2019 年 11 月 15 日– 云顶邮轮集团宣布将与全球知名邮轮奢侈品零售商STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES (下称STARBOARD)再度联手,在星梦邮轮首艘「环球级」邮轮「环球梦号」及其姊妹邮轮上率先引入全球首个海上DFS T广场,为旅客呈献由世界领先奢侈品旅游零售商DFS集团提供的一站式海上免税购物享受。

作为星梦邮轮旗下最新划时代级邮轮,排水量达 208,000 吨的两艘「环球级」邮轮将分别于 2021 年及 2022 年下水。专为亚洲豪华邮轮市场量身打造的「环球级」邮轮拥有 2350 间客房,最高载客量超过 9000 人,船员人数达 2500 人,将成为全球载客量最高的邮轮。

DFS集团及STARBOARD均为LVMH集团(Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton)旗下精品零售商,此次三方合作将充分发挥各自优势,在「环球级」邮轮上打造全球首个海上DFS T广场,为旅客缔造超凡海上购物体验。

云顶邮轮集团总裁朱福明先生表示:「云顶邮轮很高兴继续与STARBOARD合作,在旗下专为新一代亚洲旅客而设的最新『环球级』邮轮上设立全球首个海上DFS T广场。云顶邮轮深耕亚洲邮轮行业 26 年,非常了解零售购物是亚洲旅客极为看重的旅游体验之一,相信此次与STARBOARD及DFS集团的合作,将为我们的旅客带来荟聚全球知名品牌的精彩购物之旅。」

此次云顶邮轮集团与STARBOARD及DFS集团强强联手,将在「环球级」邮轮上开设面积近 18,000 平方尺(超 1600 平方米)的购物天地,产品种类繁多,涵盖时装及配饰、美妆及香水、腕表及珠宝、食品和纪念品等丰富购物选择,为旅客打造从家中到陆地再到海上的全方位免税购物体验,并一如既往地提供T广场的优质服务、正品保障及最优价格。与此同时,本次合作还将引入众多专为「环球级」邮轮旅客设计的首创概念,包括新品牌、新产品、全新购物体验等。

STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Bauer女士表示:「很荣幸可以在两艘划时代的最新『环球级』邮轮上延续我们与星梦邮轮的长期合作关系,同时也很高兴首度引入DFS集团加入此次合作。作为亚洲海上及陆上旅游业的领军者,STARBORAD及星梦邮轮将利用专业优势把邮轮购物体验提升至新的境界。」

DFS集团主席及行政总裁Ed Brennan 先生表示:「DFS很荣幸与姊妹公司STARBOARD合作,首度将T广场购物体验延伸至海上。STARBOARD是邮轮零售业的领导者,而DFS则致力于为全球旅客网罗独家精品和无可比拟的旅行购物享受,两者合力必将在全球载客量最高的两艘星梦邮轮『环球级』巨轮上呈献最佳海上购物体验。」


STARBOARD现时作为区内最大的邮轮奢侈品零售商,目前在区内 10 艘邮轮上运营零售业务,拥有超过 10 年的运营经验,是亚洲邮轮零售业的领导企业。

作为全球唯一一条「全德国制造」船队,星梦邮轮旗下现拥有入选邮轮业界权威指南《 伯利兹邮轮年鉴(2020)》星级十优评选之「世界TOP 10大型邮轮」的「云顶梦号」、「世界梦号」,以及位列「世界TOP 20 中型邮轮」第十七位的「探索梦号」,在安全性、质量、航速、豪华度方面均践行最高标准。STARBOARD的非凡购物体验已于 2016、2017 年及 2019 年分别登陆星梦邮轮三艘邮轮,期间双方合作无间,不断为旅客开创众多崭新购物体验,包括推出全球首间海上Dior精品店及亚洲首间海上Tiffany精品店等。

云顶邮轮集团宣布将与全球知名邮轮奢侈品零售商STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES联手,在星梦邮轮首艘「环球级」邮轮「环球梦号」

及其姊妹邮轮上率先引入全球首个海上DFS T广场,为旅客呈献由世界领先奢侈品旅游零售商DFS集团提供的一站式海上免税购物享受。

签约仪式上,(前排左起) DFS集团主席及行政总裁Ed Brennan 先生、云顶邮轮集团总裁你朱福明先生、STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES

总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Bauer女士、(后排左起) 云顶邮轮旅客体验及船上收益部副总裁何子民先生、STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES 之

Chief Commercial Officer Brenda Baty女士、Chief Merchandising Officer Lisa Baldzicki女士、云顶邮轮集团市场部高级副总裁

李凤霞女士、STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES亚洲区副总裁兼总经理王秉申先生合影。

关于 Starboard Cruise Services

Starboard Cruise Services is the premier retailer at sea, providing the finest selection of coveted brands and engaging experiences to global cruise vacationers. Starboard proudly provides retail operations for eight leading cruise line partners around the world, including Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, Carnival Cruise Line, Costa Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line, Dream Cruises, Crystal Cruises and Silversea. The company is part of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world’s leading luxury provider. Starboard has been consistently recognized for excellence by the travel retail industry with numerous awards, including, most recently, Frontier Awards Cruise Line Retailer of the Year; DFNI-Frontier Americas Travel Retailer of the Year; Asia/Pacific Cruise Retailer of the Year; and Global Cruise Retailer of the Year. The company is headquartered in Miami and has offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Genoa, Italy.


DFS Group is the world’s leading luxury travel retailer. Established in Hong Kong in 1960, DFS Group continues to be a pioneer in global luxury travel retail, offering its customers a carefully curated selection of exceptional products from over 700 of the most desire-d brands through 420 boutiques on four continents. Its network consists of duty free stores located in 11 major global airports and 20 downtown Galleria locations, as well as affiliate and resort locations. The Group is privately held and majority owned by the world’s largest luxury conglomerate Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), alongside DFS co-founder and shareholder Robert Miller. DFS Group employs over 9,000 people focused on creating inspiring retail experiences for its customers. In 2017, nearly 160 million travelers visited DFS stores. DFS is headquartered in Hong Kong and has offices in Australia, Cambodia, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macau, New Zealand, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United States of America and Vietnam.


T Galleria by DFS, formerly known as DFS Galleria, is the ultimate evolution of the original travel retail concept pioneered by DFS Group. The first downtown store opened in 1968 in Hong Kong, followed shortly thereafter by Honolulu and eventually expanding to 18 locations all over the world. Today, T Galleria by DFS has a presence in the United States of America, as well as across Asia, Europe, Oceania and the South Pacific regions. Linked to the notion of travel through the use of T for the Traveler, the brand stands for what customers have come to expect: an expertly curated assortment of the world’s preferred luxury brands, exceptional retail environments, highly personalized services and unique experiences tailored to their specific needs as travelers. T Galleria by DFS enables travelers to realize their individual style, one journey at a time.

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