Pearl Mist
该船由两台 Caterpillar 船用柴油发动机(型号 3516C HD)提供动力,总功率输出为 5.1 MW。此外,该发电厂还包括三台C18卡特彼勒柴油发电机组(50 Hz,550-700kVA)。主发动机驱动(通过 ZF 7646 减速齿轮)两个螺旋桨。船舶的推进系统还包括两个 Thrustmaster(图马思特)隧道推进器(船首)。
该船由 V-Ships Leisure USA 管理,包括员工、船员和医疗服务(顾问)。船上操作由 Rescompany Systems LTD 负责(船舶财产管理系统、销售点服务、中央预订系统、客户关系管理)。Rescompany 管理游轮预订、舷梯交通、登记入住和退房。
2014 年建造的 MS Pearl Mist 游轮是一艘在哈利法克斯(加拿大新斯科舍省)建造的小型船舶。目前,该船由美国公司 Pearl Seas Management LLC 所有。该船由该公司的品牌 Pearl Seas Cruises 运营,并由 V-Ships Leisure USA(船舶管理公司,V Group Ltd 的一部分)管理。
该船(IMO 编号 9412701)目前悬挂法国/马绍尔群岛国旗(MMSI 538003543)并在马朱罗注册。
2023 年,珍珠雾号进行了大规模干船坞翻新。该项目包括对所有客舱、场地(餐厅/休息室)和公共空间进行全面翻新和设计,包括新家具/地毯、纺织品/床单、户外甲板、美国主题艺术品。该项目委托 Studio DADO(迈阿密室内设计公司)负责。
历史 - 建造和所有权
2006 年,珍珠海洋游轮公司 (Pearl Seas Cruises) 以 4350 万美元的价格向 Irving Shipyards (Halifax NS) 订购了这艘可容纳 210 名乘客的珍珠雾号 (Pearl Mist) 游轮。该船于2007年7月安放龙骨。然而,开工仅5个月后,船东与造船厂就展开了法律纠纷。此次纠纷导致该船的交付被推迟了4年(2010-2014年),因此首航定于2014年6月24日。
该船于2008年3月14日下水,2010年6月竣工,但因争议,邮轮公司拒绝接收。Pearl Mist 号一直搁置在新斯科舍省(谢尔本),直至 2013 年达成和解。该船于 2013 年 4 月被船东接受并拖至马里兰州巴尔的摩。该游轮在马里兰州索尔兹伯里的切萨皮克造船厂接受了最后的舾装。
For season 2014, Pearl Seas Cruises scheduled just 17 voyages (departures) for Pearl Mist. The 7-10-11-14-day itineraries visited Canadian Maritimes (Eastern Canada), Great Lakes (USA), St Lawrence Seaway (Canada). The ship's Caribbean cruise program started in 2015 (February to May / maiden season) visiting popular islands like Bahamas, BVI, Puerto Rico (USA), Turks and Caicos, St Maarten, Martinique.
MS Pearl Mist staterooms (108 total) are all with double occupancy (max passenger capacity 210) and sized between 225-580 ft2 (21-54 m2). All passenger cabins are outside, with either step-out balcony (accessed via full-length sliding glass doors) or large opening windows and solid metal door opening to the balcony.
客舱提供现代化设施,包括 Wi-Fi 上网(免费,全船覆盖)、高清电视、DVD 播放机、咖啡机(Keurig)、床头柜(抽屉、阅读灯、2 个内置电源插座)、带椅子的写字台、电话、带全身镜的衣柜、私人阳台(配有 1 张桌子和 2 张躺椅)、全尺寸套间浴室(卫生间、淋浴、单水槽梳妆台、吹风机、沐浴用品 - 润肤露、肥皂、洗发水、护发素),水槽柜下),每日两次夜床服务。
The staterooms are comfortable and the smaller categories (G, H, S-Single) are sized 275 f2 (26 m2). Excepting Category S (single cabins), all other staterooms can be booked as Triples (accommodating 3 adults).
Categories G-H-S cabins are sized 275 ft2 (26 m2) and located on Decks 2 and 3, with easy access to Atlantic Lounge and the Restaurant.Category K cabins are sized 300 ft2 (28 m2) and located on decks 3 and 4, with easy access to Pacific Lounge and outdoor deck areas. Each cabin has a floor-ceiling sliding glass door opening to a balcony.Category L (connecting) cabins are sized 300 ft2 (28 m2) and located on deck 5. Each cabin has floor-ceiling sliding glass door opening to a balcony and adjoining doors to allow booking a 2-room accommodation.Category R (balcony) cabins are sized 450 ft2 (42 m2) and with premium location (on decks 3 and 4) and Triple capacity. Bonus perks include personal stewards (24-hours room service).Category S Single (balcony) cabins are sized 225 ft2 (21 m2).
The ship has only 2 wheelchair-accessible cabins - on Deck 2 (Cat G) and Deck 3 (Cat H).
Shipboard facilities and amenities
Pearl Mist 仅设有一间餐厅,所有餐点均在一个座位上供应。食物很棒,但乘客需要在早餐时选择午餐和晚餐,这样厨师就会知道需要提前准备什么。然而,如果稍后您想要一些不同的东西,您就不会被限制在您的选择中。厨师很灵活,可以轻松修改大多数食谱以适应任何饮食限制。服务员很快就会知道谁是无麸质的、谁是低盐饮食的等等,以确保每位客人都得到照顾。总有一个主菜选项和素食开胃菜。
Other afternoon activities include bingo, trivia, golf putting challenge, arts&crafts and the occasional sun deck games in the Caribbean.
Pearl Mist itinerary program was initially based on Eastern Caribbean roundtrips from homeport San Juan (Puerto Rico).
MV Pearl Mist became the first-ever boat to operate roundtrips from Port Everglades (Fort Lauderdale Florida) to Cuba. Cruises were offered with 10- day itineraries (January through April) and 11-day itineraries (November-December). Cuban itinerary's call ports included Havana, Cienfuegos, Trinidad (Cuba), El Cobre, Santiago de Cuba and Casilda.
7晚/8天“五大湖游轮”(芝加哥至米德兰,米德兰至芝加哥反向行程)游览美国密歇根州(马斯基根-荷兰、麦基诺岛、苏圣玛丽)和加拿大安大略省(马尼图林岛/小卡伦特 (Little Current)、帕里桑德 (Parry Sound) 和米德兰 (Midland)/登船前过夜)。每人游轮价格从 5180 美元(G 类舱)到 7100 美元(单人舱)不等。
11晚/12天“五大湖及乔治亚湾游轮”(芝加哥至多伦多,多伦多至芝加哥反向行程)游览美国密歇根州(马斯基根-荷兰、海天、麦基诺岛、苏圣玛丽),和加拿大安大略省(马尼图林岛/小卡伦特、帕里湾、米德兰、温莎,不幸的是,还有多伦多/尼亚加拉瀑布,以及登船前过夜的多伦多)。每人游轮价格从 7790 美元(G 类舱)到 10640 美元(单人舱)不等。
2020年1月,珍珠海邮轮宣布推出为期7天的巴拿马运河游轮,全程穿越独特的内陆水道。行程访问了哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳、巴拿马圣布拉斯群岛、加通湖和巴拿马运河(过渡)、巴拿马珍珠群岛和巴拿马城。提供从卡塔赫纳和巴拿马城(Fuerte Amador)出发的航班,价格包含游轮前酒店过夜(巴拿马城或卡塔赫纳)。
In mid-December 2020, Port Milwaukee WI (Lake Michigan, Wisconsin) signed an agreement for homeporting MS Pearl Mist for 9 years (2021 through 2030), with an option for extending the service through 2040. The exclusive deal provides Pearl Seas Cruises with priority docking/berthing rights at Pier Wisconsin (Milwaukee's downtown dock east of Discovery World). The deal guaranteed Pearl Mist to use Milwaukee as homeport (for turnarounds/roundtrips) at least 5 times per year. The ship is required to provide minimum annual rents of USD 42100 (starting in 2021), which must gradually increase to USD 50000 (by 2026) and USD 60000 (by 2036). MS Pearl Mist's itinerary includes Port Milwaukee as debarkation port (for westward Great Lakes voyages) end embarkation port (for eastward sailings).
继因新冠病毒危机暂停两年后,珍珠海游轮于 2022 年 5 月 7 日恢复珍珠雾号运营,推出 7 晚“缅因州海岸和加拿大港口”行程(缅因州波特兰往返)。该计划包括该品牌的热门目的地加拿大滨海省和圣劳伦斯航道(缅因州波特兰和多伦多之间的 15 晚行程)、美国新英格兰、缅因州沿海地区和五大湖。2022 年五大湖计划(6 月至 8 月)包括两条行程 - 11 晚“五大湖和乔治亚湾”和 7 晚“五大湖”,均在密尔沃基和多伦多之间。
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